Peer-reviewed Publications

Below you will find summaries and links to peer-reviewed publications and book chapters discussing HoloMonitor, its applications and the core technology — digital holographic and quantitative phase imaging (QPI) microscopy.

Trametinib Inhibits the Growth and Aerobic Glycolysis of Glioma Cells by Targeting the PKM2/c-Myc Axis

Authors: Mingjun Gao et al.

Journal: Frontiers in Pharmacology (2021)

Research Areas: Cancer Research

Cell Lines: U87 and U251

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, cell migration assay, aerobic glycolysis, glioma, trametinib, pkm2, c-myc

The Toxic Effect of Water-Soluble Particulate Pollutants from Biomass Burning on Alveolar Lung Cells

Authors: Yuri Lima de Albuquerque et al.

Journal: Atmosphere (2021)

Research Areas: Cell research

Cell Lines: A549 cell

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, cell proliferation and viability, cell motility, wood biomass burning particles, in vitro cytotoxicity, rtca

Mast cell tryptase enhances wound healing by promoting migration in human bronchial epithelial cells

Authors: Sofia Mogren et al.

Journal: Cell Adhesion & Migration (2021)

Research Areas: Cell research

Cell Lines: BEAS-2B

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, cell migration, single cell tracking, wound healing, cell morphology, mast cell, tryptase, epithelial cells, protease activated receptor 2

Breast cancer cell line toxicity of a flavonoid isolated from Baccharis densiflora

Authors: Wendy Soria Sotillo et al.

Journal: BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies (2021)

Research Areas: Cancer research

Cell Lines: JIMT-1

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, Cell motility, Cell proliferation, Flavonoids, Sideritoflavone, Breast cancer, Cytotoxicity, Cell cycle, Cell movement, Cancer stem cells

Alpelisib and radiotherapy treatment enhances Alisertib-mediated cervical cancer tumor killing

Authors: Yaman Tayyar et al.

Journal: Am J Cancer Res. (2021)

Research Areas: Cancer research

Cell Lines: HeLa

Keywords: HoloMonitor, Radiation, Alisertib, Alpelisib, aurora kinase, PI3K, cervical cancer, HPV, E7

The anti-tumor efficacy of 20(S)-protopanaxadiol, an active metabolite of ginseng, according to fasting on hepatocellular carcinoma

Authors: Wenzhen Li et al.

Journal: Journal of Ginseng Research (2021)

Research Areas: Cancer research

Cell Lines: HepG2, H22

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, cell proliferation, single cell track, 20(S)-protopanaxadiolfasting-mimickingintermittent fasting, hepatocellular carcinoma

Effect of three-dimensional ECM stiffness on cancer cell migration through regulating cell volume homeostasis

Authors: Meng Wang et al.

Journal: Biochemical and Biophysical Research CommunicationsChina (2021)

Research Areas: Cancer research

Cell Lines: MDA-MB-231

Keywords: HoloMonitor M3, Cell morphology and cell movements, Mechanobiology, Mechanical microenvironment, Cancer metastasis, Cancer homeostasis

Small leucine zipper protein promotes the metastasis of castration-resistant prostate cancer through transcriptional regulation of matrix metalloproteinase-13

Authors: Suhyun Kim et al.

Journal: Carcinogenesis (2021)

Research Areas: Cancer research

Cell Lines: LNCaP, 22Rv1, PC3, DU145, and PWR-1E

Keywords: HoloMonitor, cell motility, single cell analysis

Mast Cell Proteases Tryptase and Chymase Induce Migratory and Morphological Alterations in Bronchial Epithelial Cells

Authors: Frida Berlin et al.

Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2021)

Research Areas: Cell Research

Cell Lines: BEAS-2B

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, Cell growth, cell division, cell morphology, cell migration, cell motility, mast cell, tryptase, chymase, bronchial epithelial cells

Tuning Anti-Biofilm Activity of Manganese(II) Complexes: Linking Biological Effectiveness of Heteroaromatic Complexes of Alcohol, Aldehyde, Ketone, and Carboxylic Acid with Structural Effects and Redox Activity

Authors: Agnieszka Jabłońska-Wawrzycka et al.

Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2021)

Research Areas: Mode of action

Cell Lines: VH10

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, cell counter, manganese(II) complexes, crystal structure, HS surface analysis, antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity, structure–activity relationship, inhibition effect of catalase, antibiotics

The implication of ROCK 2 as a potential senotherapeutic target via the suppression of the harmful effects of the SASP: Do senescent cancer cells really engulf the other cells?

Authors: Yaprak Dilber et al.

Journal: Cellular Signalling (2021)

Research Areas: Cell Research

Cell Lines: HeLa and A549

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, cell morphology, Senescent cell secretome, Chemotherapy-induced senescence, Rho/ROCK pathway, Senescence-associated secretory phenotype, Senotherapeutic

Externally added cystatin C reduces growth of A375 melanoma cells by increasing cell cycle time

Authors: Hanna Wallin et al.

Journal: FEBS Openbio (2021)

Research Areas: Cancer research

Cell Lines: A375

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, cell proliferation, cell morphology, cell cycle, cell growth, cysteine peptidase, digital holographic microscopy, protease inhibitor