Peer-reviewed Publications

Below you will find summaries and links to peer-reviewed publications and book chapters discussing HoloMonitor, its applications and the core technology — digital holographic and quantitative phase imaging (QPI) microscopy.

Quantitative evaluation of morphological changes in activated platelets in vitro using digital holographic microscopy

Authors: Yutaka Kitamura et al.

Journal: Micron (2018)

Research Areas: Method development

Cell Lines: Human platelets

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, Cell morphology, Digital holographic microscopy, Platelets, Aggregation, Activation

The impact of circulating preeclampsia-associated extracellular vesicles on the migratory activity and phenotype of THP-1 monocytic cells

Authors: Árpád Ferenc Kovács et al.

Journal: Scientific Reports (2018)

Research Areas: Immunology

Cell Lines: THP-1

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, Cell motility, Cell migration, Pathogenesis in preeclampsia

The evolution of phase holographic imaging from a research idea to publicly traded company

Authors: Peter Egelberg

Journal: Proc. SPIE 10503, Quantitative Phase Imaging IV (2018)

Research Areas: Method development

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, Quantitative phase microscopy, Label-free, Time-lapse cytometry, Kinetic cell analysis, Epithelial, Mesenchymal transition

Label-free optical biosensor for real-time monitoring the cytotoxicity of xenobiotics: A proof of principle study on glyphosate

Authors: Eniko Farkas et al.

Journal: Journal of Hazardous Materials (2018)

Research Areas: Cytotoxicity

Cell Lines: MC3T3-E1

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, Cytotoxicity Cell morphology, Label-free biosensor, Resonant waveguide grating, Glyphosate, Polyethoxylated tallow amine

Quantification of mammalian tumor cell state plasticity with digital holographic cytometry

Authors: Miroslav Hejna et al.

Journal: SPIE Conference Proceedings (2018)

Research Areas: Cancer research

Cell Lines: Human melanoma cell

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, Digital holography, Image segmentation, Melanoma, Holography, Tumors, Cancer

Applications of quantitative time lapse holographic imaging to the development of complex pharmaceutical nano formulations

Authors: Ed Luther et al.

Journal: SPIE BiOS Conference Proceedings (2018)

Research Areas: Method development

Cell Lines: Tumor micro-environment

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, Holography, Image segmentation, Standards development, Tumors, Image processing, Imaging systems, 3D image processing, Etching, Holograms

Contribution of TMEM16F to pyroptotic cell death

Authors: Jiraporn Ousingsawat et al.

Journal: Cell Death and Disease (2018)

Research Areas: Inflammation

Cell Lines: HAPI

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, Apoptosis, Pyroptosis, Cell morphology

A Time-lapse, Label-free, Quantitative Phase Imaging Study of Dormant and Active Human Cancer Cells

Authors: Jing Huang et al.

Journal: JoVe (video journal) (2018)

Research Areas: Cancer Research

Cell Lines: KHOS

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, Cell morphology, Cell motility, Cell migration, Cell proliferation

Kynurenic acid and its derivatives are able to modulate the adhesion and locomotion of brain endothelial cells

Authors: Eszter Lajkó et al.

Journal: Journal of Neural Transmission (2018)

Research Areas: Neuroscience

Cell Lines: GP8

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, Cell motility, Cell morphology

β-Nitrostyrene 1 derivatives attenuate LPS-mediated acute lung injury via the 2 inhibition of neutrophil-platelet interactions and NET release

Authors: Yao-Wen Chang et al.

Journal: American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology (2018)

Research Areas: Inflammation

Cell Lines: Neutrophils

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, Cell morphology, Acute lung injury (ALI), β-nitrostyrene derivatives lipopolysaccharide, Neutrophil extracellular trap, Neutrophil-platelet aggregates, Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) in cartilage injury and repair

Authors: Sumayya Nafisa Khan

Research Areas: Stem cell research

Keywords: fgf2, cartilage, molecular and cellular medicine

Mechanosensing Using GaInP Nanowires

Authors: Zhen Li

Research Areas: Cancer research, Biotechnology

Keywords: III-V semiconductor nanowires Nanoparticle exposure Mouse exposure Cell exposure Nanotoxicology Nanosafety