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PostNews: Press Release

Cancer researchers use HoloMonitor to track skin cancer cells

Scientists at the Holographic Imaging Cytometry Center of Excellence at University of California, San Francisco, study how normal skin cells transform into aggressive skin cancer. HoloMonitor M4 plays an important role in their research.
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PostNews: Interim Report

Interim Report for the second quarter

For the first time, sales during the past 12 months reached 5 MSEK. Since our previous report, much effort has gone into implementing the ambitious market expansion made possible by the capital acquisition this summer.
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PostNews: Press Release

Lund University and PHI partner to develop novel 3D cell culturing methods for immunotherapy research

Based on PHI’s current HoloMonitor technology, the Department of Immunotechnology at Lund University and Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) recently agreed to jointly develop novel 3-dimensional cell culturing methods to meet the urgent need for such methods.
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PostNews: Press Release

Rights issue enables market expansion

The Board of Directors and the CEO of Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (publ), corporate identity number 556542-7811, hereby submit Interim Report 1 for the fiscal year 2018/19.
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PostPress Release

Kallelse till årsstämma i Phase Holographic Imaging PHI (publ)

Aktieägarna i Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (publ), 556542-7811, kallas härmed till årsstämma onsdagen den 26 september 2018 kl. 17.00 i bolagets lokaler, Scheelevägen 22 i Lund.
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BRAF Mutation

New CEO commentary: “Understanding Skin Cancer”

PHI’s CEO and founder Peter Egelberg comments the latest research results by the scientists at the PHI/UCSF Holographic Imaging Cytometry Center of Excellence.
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