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PostNews: Press Release
Two persons walking in a bright hallway of cell and gene therapy production facility.

Growing Number of Bio-engineering Companies Purchase HoloMonitor

The regenerative medicine company Pandorum Technology recently purchased a complete HoloMonitor system.
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PostNews: Press Release
Man walking behind glass door next to a Sahlgren Academy poster

Sahlgrenska Acquires Second HoloMonitor System

After an initial purchase by Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sahlgrenska Center for Cancer Research acquires a second HoloMonitor system.
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PostNews: Press Release
The HoloMonitor live cell imaging system inside a BioSpherix Xvivo incubator investor relations

BioSpherix Partnership Yields HoloMonitor Customer in Regenerative Medicine

Recently, the EU-funded Centre for Innovative Medicine in Vilnius purchased its first HoloMonitor analyzer for use in the center’s incubator system from BioSpherix.
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PostNews: Press Release
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary building

Harvard Researchers Purchase HoloMonitor

Partners HealthCare International in Boston, Massachusetts, recently ordered its first and fully equipped HoloMonitor unit.
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PostNews: Interim Report
Closeup of HoloMonitor's objective

Interim Report 3 (2020-11-01 – 2021-01-31)

The second wave of the pandemic restricted sales during the 3rd quarter. However, the situation has improved significantly since late January.
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PostNews: Press Release
The Oresund Bridge

PHI Secure Working Capital Until 2023

PHI has received a second loan commitment of 20 MSEK. In total, the company has received loan commitments of 35 MSEK that are expected to secure the company’s working capital until 2023.
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