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PostNews: Press Release
Close up of female hand signing an agreement

PHI Signs Subscription Commitments with Board Members, CEO and Owners

Subscription commitments corresponding to approximately 4 % of the initial rights issue (2.9 million SEK) have been signed with members of the company’s board, the company’s CEO and with owners.
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BioStock: PHIs CEO eyes new business opportunities

BioStock contacted CEO Peter Egelberg to find out more about the rights issue of just over 72 million SEK that is currently underway, and his vision for the future.
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PostNews: Press Release
A fluorescence equipped HoloMonitor system operating inside a cell incubator at Novo Nordisk A/S

HoloMonitor Fluorescence Now at Novo Nordisk

PHI recently installed a fluorescence-equipped HoloMonitor® system at Novo Nordisk A/S. The installation is part of a series of test installations to allow experienced HoloMonitor customers to provide feedback regarding functionality and user-friendliness prior to the upcoming product launch.
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PostNews: Press Release

PHI changes the date for publication of Interim Report 3 2021/22

The reason for the change of date is to allow management and staff to participate in the newly decided rights issue by purchasing shares.
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PostNews: Press Release

Continued Sales Growth for PHI

PHI’s sales in November – January gained 240 % and amounted to 2.7 (0.8) MSEK. Sales over the past four fiscal quarters (Feb 2021 – Jan 2022) amount to 8.8 (2.3) MSEK.
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PostNews: Press Release
Man carrying moving boxes

PHI Moves to New Premises

As of today, Phase Holographic Imaging’s registered office is Skiffervägen 48, 224 78 Lund, Sweden.
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