Cell QC

Cell Quality Control Assay

Your non-invasive and reliable cell culture quality control assay

HoloMonitor cell QC assay icon

Cell culture is integral to the future of drug discovery and development, but it suffers from a lack of reproducibility owing to the inconsistency of quality control. The HoloMonitor® cell culture quality control (cell QC) assay provides you a label-free solution to validate cell health directly inside your incubator. Avoid contaminated cells and detect undesired cell changes during the culture period.

Monitoring your cells over time without any labels or makers.


Why choose the HoloMonitor Cell Quality Control (QC) Assay?


Monitor your cell culture quality without any labels or stains.

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Get multiple critical cell parameters for your cell culture.

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For reliable, reproducible, and relevant data in real-time.

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Small footprint to fit into your standard incubator.

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HoloMonitor cell QC assay icon HoloMonitor Cell Quality Control Assay


This is a software license valid for installation on 2 PCs. Additional licenses can be purchased at 50% of the original cost. The hardware is sold separately.

Assay Output

What results do you get with the cell quality control (QC) assay?

The HoloMonitor Cell QC assay reveals end-point data on the cell population level. It is designed to be used as a tool to detect undesired changes in your cell culture as compared to previous experiments. In fact, with all our HoloMonitor live cell assays, it is always cell-friendly and label-free. Additionally, further analyses can be undertaken for details on cell morphology and other parameters if needed. In summary, end data are given as values per well/conditions:

  • Cell count (cells/cm2)
  • Cell mean value of
    • Area (µm2)
    • Diameter (µm)
    • Volume (µm3)
  • Confluence (%)
Screenshot of cell quality control QC assay results page.
Histogram graph produced by software shows more detail in cell volume and area.
Results automatically generated from the App Suite software, give multiple critical cellular parameters.


Automated cell culture monitoring without any labels

Undoubtedly, good cell culture quality is critical for cell-based experiments. The HoloMonitor QC assay allows you to monitor your cells in their native state without using any labels or stains. Subsequently reducing the imaging influence on cell behavior to the minimum. Therefore, HoloMonitor provides researchers the opportunity to study cell-based experiments in a more biologically relevant manner.

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Key Applications

What can you study with HoloMonitor Cell Quality Control (QC) Assay?

Cell Viability studies

Cell morphology

Cytotoxicity studies

Cell differentiation

Cell therapy

Lab-grown food

Cell health assessment

Stem cell monitoring


Receive multiple cellular parameters from a single sample

With HoloMonitor cell culture QC assay, you can get multiple cellular parameters such as cell count, cell volume, area, and diameter. Furthermore, our powerful App Suite software automatically generates graphs of cell volume and area with statistical specifications such as mean value, median, standard deviation, interquartile range. Besides, you can always re-analyze the experiments with other live-cell assays to generate more results. Thus, make HoloMonitor a real high content cell analyzer.

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Cell Quality Control (QC) Assay Protocol

How do you set up this cell quality control assay?

Pipetting with Hololid in 6-well microplate

1. Sample preparation

  • Seed unlabeled adherent cells in a standard cell culture vessel.
  • Use HoloLids for best image quality and data acquisition.
  • Then, place the cell culture vessel in the incubator onto the HoloMonitor stage.
cell quality control assay setup

2. Assay setup

  • Select the HoloMonitor Cell Quality Control Assay in HoloMonitor App Suite and name your experiment.
  • Then, selecting wells, imaging positions. Start imaging and walk away!
cell quality control result bar

3. Explore results

  • Get real-time parameters of your cell culture quality. Analyze the experiment with other live cell assays for further studies.
  • Export the raw data for further analysis. Re-use the cells for other experiments!


Automatic cell culture inspection for reliable and reproducible cell quality

As a matter of fact, cells that are cultured over longer or shorter periods may undergo morphological changes. Therefore, a quick and real-time assessment of the cell culture quality before experiments is useful to avoid unexpected or inferior results. With the HoloMonitor Cell QC assay, you can standardize your cell culture quality to ensure the results for downstream experiments. Furthermore, this automatic assay helps to reduce user variation in cell culture handling.

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Monitor your cell quality in real-time non-invasively.


Control cell quality directly inside your incubator

HoloMonitor is built to operate 24/7 inside your standard incubator. Therefore, you can monitor your cells in their undisturbed state at any time. Besides that, depends on how many positions will be imaged, our cell culture QC assay can be done within few minutes, which allows researchers to check cell quality as often as they want!

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We are very happy with the HoloMonitor M4. It is very easy to use, produces consistent results since nearly 4 years and is a great way to gather a lot of quantitative biophysical metrics on adherent cells in a label-free and real-time way.