The HoloMonitor App Suite live cell imaging and analysis software intuitively guides the user through experiment setup, image acquisition and data analysis.

The PHI Blog

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Prostate Cancer Research in Movember

Globally, prostate cancer is the second most commonly occurring cancer in men and the fourth most commonly occurring cancer overall. This video shows Etoposide treated DU 145 prostate cancer cells undergoing programed cell death, apoptosis.
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Dissertation: A study of Cancer Cells by Digital Holographic Imaging

Sofia Kamlund has studied Cell Division and Cell Movement using Digital Holographic Microscopy. Her research presents new ways of analyzing individual cells by using Holographic Microscopy alone or in combination with Fluorescence Microscopy.
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PHI HoloMonitor User Meeting

PHI had a successful Holomonitor User Meeting where we discussed how to use HoloMonitor with focus on cancer research. The presentations showed new methods within cancer research and cell biology.
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Best Poster Prize to Louise Sternbaeck

PHI’s Industrial Doctoral Student Louise Stenbaeck received a prize from Danish Cancer Society for her poster “Holographic microscopy: Macrophage-uptake of SA-MIPs”.
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neutrophil attraction to murine tumor cells

TRPM2 modulates neutrophil attraction to murine tumor cells by regulating CXCL2 expression

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Digital Holographic Microscopy for biomarker detection in cancer

“In the near future”, Zahra El-Schich says, “you could have a HoloMonitor in every clinic. You could also customize cancer treatment for every patient by just using a simple tumor test.” Find out how.
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