The HoloMonitor App Suite live cell imaging and analysis software intuitively guides the user through experiment setup, image acquisition and data analysis.

The PHI Blog

Single Cell Tracking Assay banner

Succeed in tracking your cells

We at PHI are always happy to hear from you, our customers, and receive feedback and suggestions on improving your HoloMonitor® experience. Therefore, we are excited to say that we have focused on realizing many of your suggestions with the latest software update, resulting in a new and advanced Single Cell Tracking analysis.
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Sequence of images showing cell divisions, created by the incubator-based cell culture microscope - HoloMonitor

Can We Trust Our Cell-based Experiments?

Our 3-part webinar series explored in the fields of cancer research, stem cell research and for in vitro drug development, how relevant conditions lead to relevant answers in cell culture.
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Collage of Best Live Cell Videos of 2020

Live Cell Imaging Videos – The Best of 2020

What was your live cell video highlight this year? Vote now for your number one and let us know!
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HoloMonitor live cell assays allow multiple results to be created from a single sample.

One Sample + HoloMonitor = Multiple Results

With the advanced ability to re-analyze your live cell data from a single experiment setup, HoloMonitor software adds flexibility to research.
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The HoloMonitor live cell imaging system operating inside a standard cell incubator at the SmiLe life science business incubator in Lund, Sweden.

HoloMonitor in an incubator of an incubator makes people SmiLe

Our collaboration with SmiLe incubator in Lund, provides researchers in local life science companies with PHIs non-destructive live cell imaging & analysis tool – making for happy cells and smiley faces 🙂
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A LABSTOP day to refuel and meet HoloMonitor

We had a great day at SmiLe Incubator #LABSTOP where the SmiLe community used the opportunity to try hands-on our HoloMonitor Live Cell Imaging & Analysis system!
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