The subscription price for warrants of series TO 3 has been set at SEK 3.78 per share

Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (“PHI” or the “Company”) hereby announces the subscription price for the exercise of warrants of series TO 3, which were issued in connection with the Company’s rights issue of units that was announced on 22 February 2022. The subscription price for warrants of series TO 3 has been set at SEK 3.78 per share and the exercise period begins on 11 April 2023.

In connection with the Company’s rights issue of units that was announced on 22 February 2022, PHI issued 3,365,405 warrants of series TO 3.

Each warrant of series TO 3 entitles the holder to subscribe for one (1) new share in PHI during the exercise period that runs from 11 April 2023 until 2 May 2023. The subscription price for warrants of series TO 3 has been set at SEK 3.78 per share, which corresponds to seventy (70) percent of the average volume-weighted price of the share according to Spotlight Stock Market’s official price statistics during the period from and including 8 March 2023 to and including 4 April 2023. At full utilization of warrants of series TO 3, the Company will be provided proceeds of approximately SEK 12.7 million before deduction of transaction related costs which are estimated to approximately SEK 0.65 million (corresponding to approximately 5 percent of the highest issue volume).

Upon full exercise of warrants of series TO 3, the number of shares in PHI will increase by 3,365,405 shares to a total of 23,818,105 shares and the share capital will increase by SEK 673,081.00 to SEK 4,763,621.00. The dilution at full utilization amounts to approximately 14 percent of the votes and capital.

Complete terms and conditions for warrants of series TO 3 are available on the Company’s website (

Important dates

• 11 April 2023: The exercise period begins

• 27 April 2023: Last day of trading in warrants

• 2 May 2023: The exercise period ends

• 4 May 2023: Planned communication of the outcome of the warrant exercise

• 23 May 2023: Planned conversion of interim shares to ordinary shares


In connection with the exercise of warrants of series TO 3, Sedermera Corporate Finance AB is acting as financial advisor, Markets & Corporate Law Nordic AB as legal advisor and Nordic Issuing AB as issuing agent. Shark Communication AB is assisting the Company with advice regarding communication.

For more information about the warrants of series TO 3, please contact:

Sedermera Corporate Finance AB
Phone: +46 40 615 14 10
E-mail: [email protected]

For more information about the Company, please contact:
Patrik Eschricht
E-mail: [email protected] – Live cell imaging & analysis

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